Nov 17, 2012 This Site Might Help You. RE: How do u get a bloodthirsty medal in call of duty black ops 2? I'm trying to get gold for a sniper and I don't know what a bloodthirsty medal is. Jul 23, 2019 Weapon Stats and Feature for ABR 223 in COD BO4. Read here to find information about the range, ratings, traits and tips for ABR 223.
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Call of Duty: Mobile is the fastest-growing game in the world. Forget PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, or PC—the mobile platform is looking better than ever. In just under a week, the game has reached over 35 million downloads and skyrocketed to the top of the Android and iOS charts.
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Like any CoD game, winning isn’t always about raw mechanics and aim. A high level of map awareness and weapon knowledge is essential to being the best. The easiest way to learn a map is practicing, but it’s not quite the same with weapons.
A player has compiled a list of stats for each of the weapons and attachments in CoD: Mobile. Here’s the full list of weapon stats.