I am selling an invite to bitwise.systems, with this invite you will be able to use the bitwise.systems cheat. If you're not familiar with bitwise, they're a known CS:GO cheat provider that created a Rust cheat that is now invite only. I will provide proof of invite. Their cheat has incredible features similar to large cheat providers like perfectaim.io. Bitwise has the best rust cheat currently available. I currently own a subscription and have the ability to invite another member.
Yesterday a friend and I found a base to raid but we couldnt take down the walls or get through to the third floor because they had hatches and we dont have building privelege. So we built a stairway outside the build zone and next to the base close enough to jump on top of the roof. Everytime we jumped we would die from fall damage but make it on the roof. So we came up with a idea how to. While it's now easier to edit many things, console commands still come in handy. Below is a list of use Rust console commands for both players and admins. Note: 1=true and 0=false. These may be used interchangeably when entering console commands that have an 'on or off' state.

How To Fall With 0 Dmg Rusty