Jun 30, 2017 DH raid dmg still feels bad after the 2.5% buffs; Thread. Now we're still at the bottom. I don't believe the 2.5% / 7% chaos buff fixed things. We feel ok in mythic + (perhaps because my sample size of playing with multiple 915+ players is smaller), but our damage is low in ToS, and I lost my raid spot because of it. (921) ilvl currently. The reality is that, even with an Infinite Power special tile on the board, the same match-3 is only netting 600 dmg-essentially the 'buff' effect isn't being applied, and there are no other special tiles affecting match dmg (i.e. No enemy protect tiles). This is another reader query who wants to convert a.dmg file either to.img file and to.iso file so that he can mount the disk image in windows also. In order to convert dmg file to img file either we need a DMG2IMG converter and for converting dmg file to iso we need DMG2ISO converter.
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Here is another blast from the past. it may seem odd to do a review of this book before the other AD&D 2e books, but there is a reason for it. this book was the first RPG i ever owned. Specifically the Black cover edition of the book. I had been playing the game for a bit and wanted to really get into AD&D and asked my mom to get me the books for Christmas. She was reluctant as this was around the whole AD&D was satanic thing and she was a church going woman. She thankfully believed that her son was smart enough to differentiate between fantasy and reality and bought me this book. note she had no idea that there was three books you needed, so she just got me the one she thought I needed bless her heart. so it will come to no surprise that this book holds a dear place in my heart and has a ton of nostalgia for me. Having said that now that I can read it with the knowledge of other DMG’s and other rpg’s I can say that this book was not great.
one big flaw was that whole sections of the book had the almost the same information as the PHB such as combat. the artwork was not great, though it still fills my soul with good feelings looking at the art again for the above reasons. when compared to its First edition counter part this book becomes even worse. the First edition book had Gary Gygaxes prose and had a ton of information in it, granted the old 1e PHB had very little info so it had to go somewhere. overall this book was just kinda meh and dry. it had nothing special about it and if you took the Magic items chapter out and put it into the PHB there would be no reason to buy it.
now some good things about the DMG. the layout and chapters of the Black cover edition mirrored the layout and chapters of the Black cover PHB. this meant you could memorize what chapter combat was in and it would be the same for both books. the writing was crisp and clean so understanding the information was never a problem due to poor fonts or coloring.
overall I would recommend this book only to people who lack the first edition DMG as the only major chapter that is needed from this book is the Magic items chapter and 1e AD&D is compatible enough that the !e AD&D DMG is far better then the 2e book. https://ninnfc.netlify.app/where-to-find-the-jdk-8uversion-macosx-amd64dmg.html.
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This page archives an attribute that was changed during the development. This is for future curiosity and reference. This page is not to be updated with current info; see the Attributes article for the latest information.
Defense was one of the core attributes for characters in Diablo III. It governed the amount of damage a character took from all attacks, physical and magical.
Each point of Defense gave:
- +x Damage Reduction (based on class)
Defense is not the same thing as Armor. The terms are confusingly similar in Diablo III, but Armor is what armor items grant. e.g. a buckler might have 8 armor while a tower shield might have 200. Armor helps increase a character's phyiscal damage reduction, while Defense reduces all damage.
Attribute Design[edit | edit source]
All attributes have changed since their original conception. In December 2010 Bashiok made an announcement about these changes[1]:
Defense: Decreases all damage taken- This stat is separate from armor and resistances, each of which effects different damage types. This stat effects ‘all’ damage.
- This stat will allow players to control incoming damage rather than increasing health capacity, which is useful to reduce the need for health globes and pots, and allows players to double down on defense for survival focused builds.
- This stat is also useful for PVP, and likely will be valued in the arenas, but isn't tuned to be a 'PVP' only stat.
- This stat has no secondary effects.
Attribute points are no longer assigned by the player; they are auto-assigned. See the relevant section in the attributes article.
- Defense is a secondary attribute governed by Diablo II's Dexterity.

Defense vs. Armor vs. Resistance[edit | edit source]
Defense, Armor, and Resistances are all stats used to reduce damage.
Defense and Armor were used interchangeably in Diablo II, but in Diablo III they mean different things. The key thing to remember is that in Diablo III, all three of these stats work much like a resistance; they affect damage mitigation, not to/hit (as was the case in Diablo 1 and Diablo 2.) Higher Armor in Diablo 3 does not mean that your character gets hit less often. It means your character takes less damage per hit. This is one of the major changes to the combat engine in Diablo III, and results in characters taking constant, steady damage, rather than the D2 style of attacks almost always missing, but when one does land it does huge damage.
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- Defense is one of the four core character attributes/stats. It applies to all damage. It grows as your character levels up, and can be added as a bonus from items, gems, skills, and more.
- Armor is a value on all types of armor items. It only reduces damage from physical attacks.
- Resistance can be found as a bonus on certain equipment items. Players can acquire Fire, Cold, Arcane, Poison, and Lightning resistance, each of which reduces damage from its corresponding damage type.
While Defense does increase when your character levels up, the Defense formula has built-in penalties for leveling up which counteract or sometimes exceed the Defense bonuses. For the most part, this means that Defense bonuses from level-up are largely superficial.
In terms of damage reduction, 3 Defense, 50 armor, and 5 resistance all give the same damage reduction to their respective damage types, however, mixing Defense with armor or resistance gives greater overall reduction than any one of them on its own.
Development[edit | edit source]
Defense was a new attribute for Diablo III, comparable to the Armor bonus granted by Strength, though you should note that higher Armor has a very different effect in D3 than it did in D2. See Attack for more details on how Strength changed.
Since the attribute overhaul in 2012[2], Defense was removed from the game.
Item affixes such as +Armor and +Physical Resist will fill in for Defense.
References[edit | edit source]
D2 1k Voices 25 All Dmg Buff Fixed Price
- ↑Core Attribute Changes- Battle.net 20/12/10
- ↑Core Attribute Changes- Battle.net 19/01/12