Feb 14, 2020 The Impact Grenade is an explosive grenade featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. It was introduced in the Operation Skull Rain Mid-Season Reinforcements. Notes Impact Grenades can be used to ward off advancing players from entering the defenders' location as.
At the Rainbow Six Major over the weekend, Ubisoft officially unveiled Siege’s two new operators; Maverick, and Clash.
Rainbow Six Siege’s Operation Grim Sky, which does not yet have a release date, brings two new operators and a reworked version of the game’s Hereford Base map.
As has been the case for a while, those who tuned in to the Siege Major were the first to see gameplay of the new operators. The attacker, Maverick, has a speed rating of three and an armour rating of one, and his signature gadget is the Suri torch.
This torch allows him to cut through all breakable walls, including reinforced ones deployed by some operators. The torch’s fuel tank is barely enough to make a hole that players can fit through, but it’s intended to be used to create small peeking holes. Either to scout ahead, or allow teammates to shoot through them and get the drop on enemies through unexpected angles.
Said holes can also be an excellent way of countering crucial enemy gadgets like jammers, if you have a good enough angle on them. By comparison to other breaching tools, Maverick’s Suri torch is the most silent.
Maverick can pick from the AR-15 DMR (firing .50 rounds), or the M4 assault rifle.
Clash is Operation Grim Sky’s defender, a one-speed, three-armour operator. Her signature gadget is a CCE shield capable of covering the entire front of her body. Clash can ward off attackers using the shield’s taser, which slows down enemies and damages them.
Subscribe to the VG247 newsletterGet all the best bits of VG247 delivered to your inbox every Friday!The taser can’t be used all the time, though, as it has a limited charge. Clash can’t use her sidearm with her shield deployed. The only time she can pull out a weapon is when she is carrying the shield on her back. Clash can also melee attack with her shield like the rest of the game’s shield-bearing operators.
Clash gets to choose between the P-10C, or SPSMG9 sidearm, and the CCE shield will continue to protect her back when not in use. Thatcher’s EMP can disable her shield taser, while Capitao’s Asphyxiating Bolts can be make it real troublesome for her to stay in one place for long.
Zofia’s concussion grenade will cause Clash to drop her guard for a few moments, enough for an enemy to damage her. The same can be done by simply meleeing her.
Check out the video above for more.
Rainbow Six Siege players have a fresh game to play today thanks to the release of the Wind Bastion update. https://ninnfc.netlify.app/do-strength-weapons-do-more-dmg-when-2h.html.
Wind Bastion brings a new map, Fortress, free for all Rainbow Six Siege players. The DLC’s main attractions, of course, are the two new operators part of the Moroccan GIGR.
The pair exclusive to Year 3 pass holders for one week, and will be available for purchase separately next week. Nomad is an attacker with medium speed, and medium armour. Her signature gadget is the Airjab Launcher, which basically turns her into Lucio from Overwatch.
The Airjab repulsion grenades, which knock everyone caught in the radius on their ass, can be detonated traditionally or stuck to walls for delayed detonation. Nomad can use the AK-74M, and ARX200 assault rifle.
Kaid is a slow defender with heavy armour. His Rtila Electroclaw can electrify any breachable surface. This includes your regular destructible walls and hatches, as well as other destructible items like barbed wires and even deployable shields. Kaid has access to the AUG A3 assault rifle, and TCSG12 shotgun.
As always, seasonal patches bring a host of gameplay updates and changes apart from the new content. The shop interface has been redesigned, making it easier to view what you’re buying, and easier to navigate thanks to updated menus. You’re now able to go full screen on weapon skins, for a better view.
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As far as balance, Ubisoft has changed the curve for throwable gadgets to make them easier to use. This applies to all of them (operator and universal), except the Nitro Cell, and as such will now be classified as a heavy throw as opposed tor regular throw, for clarity. In practice, this means the heavier items will have limited reach compared to the lighter ones.
Subscribe to the VG247 newsletterGet all the best bits of VG247 delivered to your inbox every Friday!Rainbow Six Siege will also now have an area of effect indicator for gadgets with an AOE element. This is to help new players understand the reach of their equipment, but it can be turned off in the settings. However, it’s only available for Nomad, and Kaid, and Ubisoft does not plan to retroactively add it to other operator gadgets.

Today’s patch removes HBAO+ as an option for Ambient Occlusion, which is replaced with SSBC+.
Check out the balance changes per-operator, and the rest of the patch notes below:
Rainbow Six Siege Wind Bastion Year 3 Season 4 balance tweaks
- SMG-11 has been added as a secondary
- Slight increase to SMG-11 Damage
- Electric Damage increased from 3 to 5 damage per tick
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- Slight increase to SMG-11 Damage
- Slight decrease to T-5 SMG
- Reduced the total number of concussion grenades from 3 to 2
Rainbow Six Siege Wind Bastion Year 3 Season 4 bug fixes
- Fixed – Users are experiencing a large amount of crashes on Xbox One & PS4 since Y3S3.
- Fixed – Claymores can be picked up after detonating at the right moment.
- Fixed – Reinforcing a hatch with a defuser planted on it will cause the defuser to fall.
- Fixed – Russian rainbow ACOG sight (they stopped talking to Bandit).
- Fixed – User teleports when placing a gadget after interacting with the hostage.
- Fixed – If the player shoots the reinforced wall, the muzzle flash and the bullet trail will pass through.
- Fixed – Melee attack animation is broken during replays.
- Fixed – Players can exploit macros to increase their rate of fire on certain weapons.
- Fixed – Electricity VFX can be seen through the floor.
- Fixed – Prisma deployment issues can cause Alibi’s Prisma to get stuck in surfaces.
- Fixed – Alibi’s hologram doesn’t detect enemies if they’re in Tachanka’s LMG turret.
- Fixed – Attackers don’t receive damage when hitting an electrified surface with melee attacks.
- Fixed – Some throwable gadgets can move through Electified Barbed Wire without receiving damage.
- Fixed – Blitz shield disappears instantly after the shield is switched while in ADS.
- Fixed – When Capitao’s Lethal Bolt is shot directly on a wall, the fire FX is not blocked and DMG is still dealt on the other side of the wall.
- Fixed – Castle can melee kill an opponent through an Armored Panel that was deployed over barbed wire.
- Fixed – Players aren’t awarded a score when destroying Castle’s Armor Panels with non-explosive methods.

- Fixed – Clash loses partial functionality after pressing the primary gadget button during a guard break.
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- Fixed – If a player is hit by Doc’s stim pistol shot while under the effect of Echo’s sonic burst, the heal VFX will cut the sonic burst effect.
- Fixed – Yokai’s Sonic Burst Distortion Effect causes the black background to appear on the side of the screen.
- Fixed – Consecutively using sonic bursts on the same target with Yokai will not refresh the Deafen effect.
- Fixed – Yokai’s Sonic burst effect animation is not present for Echo in third person.

- Fixed – Frost Traps can be partially hidden by carpets on certain maps.
- Fixed – Frost Welcome Mat’s cannot be deployed in a certain spots in 2F South Hallway of Coastline.
- Fixed – Frost Welcome Mats are difficult to deploy in 2F rail platform area of Theme Park.
- Fixed – Frost Welcome Mat clips with the rug from Coastline 2F Hallway if the rug is damaged.
- Fixed – No sound when detonating Hibana’s X-Kairos charges.
- Fixed – IQ’s RED Scanner moves too much when shooting her pistol (now less floppy).
- Fixed – Electronics are sometimes not highlighted when on the edge of IQ’s detector.
- Fixed – Unable to pick up Jager’s ADS if deployed under a Control Terminal in 2F Control Room of Theme Park.
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- Fixed – Maestro’s Evil Eye cannot scan or ping through smoke grenades/Capitao’s Smoke Bolt.
- Fixed – The Loadout description for the Alda 5.56 has not been updated to reflect the weapon’s patch changes (now updated).
- Fixed – Maverick is able to break the frames on windows with his gadget, leaving the glass floating in the air.
- Fixed – When placing a Candela on a barricade, Ying’s hand is visible from the other side, revealing her position.
- Fixed – Holding Ying’s Candela gadget applies the blue filter on all the headgears that have the same glass material.
Level design
- Fixed – Players can vault into red toolboxes on any map.
- Fixed – Players lose operator functionality when trying to descend a ladder when another operator is nearby.
- Fixed – Users can peek inside EXT Sewer by of Bank.
- Fixed – Cameras and C4 can be thrown through the ceiling of 1F Archives on Bank.
- Fixed – Players can hide under a desk in 1F Tellers’ Office and make it difficult to hit them with bullets.
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- Fixed – Operator can get stuck between the printer and the table at 2FOffice on Border.
- Fixed – Player can vault inside ceiling of EXT pedestrian customs on Border.
- Fixed – Defender can hide bulletproof cameras inside the walls on Border.
- Fixed – Attacker can hide in trees next to 2F office balcony on Chalet.
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- Fixed – Defenders can vault to the roof outside on Clubhouse.
- Fixed – The vault prompt to the stage lose functionality after reinforcing the wall between 1F Stage and 1F Stock Room of ClubHouse.
- Fixed – Operators with shields clip through the handrails of ClubHouse.
- Fixed – Ying’s Candela and Fuze’s cluster charge don’t penetrate the entire floor at 2F Theater room on Coastline, causing the charges to detonate inside the floor.
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- Fixed – The door barricade at EXT Front Door breaks certain vault angle between the stone pillars at EXT Front Alley on Consulate.
- Fixed – Rubberbanding effects after vaulting over yellow steps in Consulate Garage.
- Fixed – Attacker can hide a drone inside the walls of 1F visa office on Consulate.
- Fixed – Drone clips through the wall on Consulate, allowing Drone to see inside.
-Hereford Base
- Fixed – Textures between reinforceable and indestructible walls in Hereford Base allow bullets to pass through.
- Fixed – Defenders are able to vault on the window frame of Kafe 2F Fireplace Hall.
- Fixed – Valkyrie can place a cam on the ceiling of 1F Bakery on Kafe.
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- Fixed – Occasionally operators will remain stuck between two metal barrels at Oregon EXT Junkyard.
- Fixed – Drones run into invisible collision under the bed in Oregon of 2F Dorm Main Hall.
- Fixed – Defenders are unable to disable the defuser if it is planted next to the mattress in 2F Watch Tower in Oregon.
- Fixed – Operators clip through the rail above the stairs on 2F Hallway on Skyscraper.
- Fixed – Attackers can plant the defuser on top of an arcade machine at 1F drug lab on Themepark.
- Fixed – player can destroy the ceiling under the indestructible floor at 1F dining room.
- Fixed – User encounters an invisible collision at 3F Lounge in Yacht.
- Fixed – In some cases, players will receive a “Game Full” error when matchmaking.
- Fixed – Voice chat icon remains active after a team member stops speaking.
- Fixed – User that Join-in-Progress in Casual cannot ID operators.
- Fixed – Hovering over a gamemode after clicking the other one will lead the user to the wrong mode matchmaking.
- Fixed – Players are sometimes able to reconnect to the Ranked match after receiving a teamkill penalty.
- Fixed – The “Find Another Match” button flashes when players leave the match.
- Fixed – [XB1] User is able to hear teammates in the game even if he is in a private Xbox Party Chat.
- Fixed – The newest Cosmetic Bundles show up at the end of the Bundles list in shop (will now show up in descending order).
- Fixed – Player profile stats and details are not updating properly.