The damage from SKILLs of Destruction Staves is calculated based on your Max Magicka and Weapon Damage. And the Critical Chance is based on Spell Critical.
The damage from LIGHT and HEAVY ATTACKs are calculated based on your Max Stamina and Weapon Damage. And the Critical Chance is based on Weapon Critical.
At least this is what I understood from this:
Edit: Fixed the difference between Light Attacks, Heavy Attacks and Skills.
The damage from LIGHT and HEAVY ATTACKs are calculated based on your Max Stamina and Weapon Damage. And the Critical Chance is based on Weapon Critical.
At least this is what I understood from this:
Edit: Fixed the difference between Light Attacks, Heavy Attacks and Skills.
- Does Orn Do Physical Or Magic Dmg 2
- Does Orn Do Physical Or Magic Dmg 1
- Does Orn Do Physical Or Magic Dmg File
Mar 14, 2014 Welcome to the Forum Archive! Years of conversation fill a tonne of digital pages, and we've kept all of it accessible to browse or copy over. Whether you're looking for reveal articles for older champions, or the first time that Rammus rolled into an 'OK'. Physical damage is reduced by armor, while magical damage is reduced by magic resistance. Stack Exchange Network Stack Exchange network consists of 175 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to.
It was that way BEFORE 1.6 though, hence why you are finding that information
Does Orn Do Physical Or Magic Dmg 2
It now works like this though....
Does Orn Do Physical Or Magic Dmg 1
•Synergy abilities now scale off your highest stats that are either stamina or magicka based.
•Ultimates and Synergy abilities now always scale of your highest Critical Strike stat instead of just your Spell Critical Strike.
•Abilities that cost magicka will now always scale off your magicka, spell damage, and spell critical strike stats.
•Abilities that cost stamina will now always scale off your stamina, weapon damage, and weapon critical strike stats.
•Ultimates and Synergy abilities now always scale of your highest Critical Strike stat instead of just your Spell Critical Strike.
•Abilities that cost magicka will now always scale off your magicka, spell damage, and spell critical strike stats.
•Abilities that cost stamina will now always scale off your stamina, weapon damage, and weapon critical strike stats.
Source (Patch Notes)